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zodiac signs





              1)  The way they smile.

              2)  How they always smell so good.

              3)  How they laugh.

              4)  The way they take so long to get ready.

              5)  The way they dress.

              6)  How they put their make up on.

              7)  The way they say, "I love you."

              8)  How their little hands fit perfectly in the guys hands.

              9)  How guys can put their arms all the way around her               waist.

              10)  Their sweet personality.

              1)  The way they try to act so tough.

              2)  How they write girls letters.

              3)  The way they smell.

              4)  How they feel so safe in their arms.

              5)  When they aren't afraid to admit things.

              6)  The way they say, "I love you.''

              7)  The way they go shopping with you.

              8)  When they call you to make you feel better.

              9)  When they bring you something when your                   feeling down.

             10)  How they always seem to want to love you.



"How Can A Student Pass?" It's not the fault of the school student if they fail, coz


the year has only 365 days. Typical academic year for a dull student.

1. Sundays-52,Sundays in a year, which are rest days. Balance 313 days.

2. Summer holidays-50 where weather is very hot and difficult to study. Balance 263 days.

3. 8 hours daily sleep-means 30 days. Balance 141 days.

4. 1 hour for daily playing-(good for health) means 15 days. Balance 126 days.

5. 2 hours daily for food & other delicacies (chew properly & eat)-means 30 days. Balance 96 days.

6. 1 hour for talking (man is a social animal)-means 15 days. Balance 81 days.

7. Exam days per year at least 35 days. Balance 46 days.

8. Quarterly, Half yearly and festival (holidays)-40 days. Balance 6 days.

9. For sickness at least 3 days. Balance 3 days.

10. Movies and functions at least 2 days. Balance 1 day.

11. That 1 day is ur birthday then how can a student pass.



A is for all the nice things you do for me.

B is for being there for me

C is for coming to my rescue

D is never deserting me.

E is for your eagerness to please.

F is for being quick to forgive.

G is for your generosity.

H is for extending a helping hand.

I is for your interest in me.

J is for not judging my every move

K is for your kindness toward me

L is for the love you have shown me.

M is for the many laughs we share

N is for never gossiping about me

O is for your openness

P is for always playing fair

Q is for the quiet times we share

R is for the respect we have for each other.

S is for all the smiles you bring

T is because you touch my heart

U is for how well you understand me.

V is because you are a vital part of my life.

W is for knowing when to speak and when not to.

X is for all the extra nice things you do.

Y is for giving of yourself

Z is for the zip you add to my life.

Z is for Zeshan also :-)


